Monday, October 17, 2005

Story Idea

Well, actually two of them.

I had an idea for a story about an angel who is concerned that his latest project may lose its funding from the Lord God because of lack of results. His project? The moral progress of the human race. I envisioned God holding court over thousands of prospective projects, and deciding which ones were worth pursuing. I guess it could be a bit controversial as it would infer that the Lord doesn't have infinite resources and must dole them out accordingly. I would have to inject some kind of plot device that would circumvent this notion. But I just like the idea of humanity as a project, with little visible results to offer, but this one determined angel keeps trying to find some kind of redeemable value in us. He'd have to focus in on one person or family, and I see God as (again, somewhat controversial) somewhat bitter and jaded on the whole question of humanity, seeing the arc of human history as full of war and hatred and anger and selfishness. We'll see, I guess...

Another story idea I had involves the continued destruction of the Earth's environment. What if, at some point, Earth itself considered humans a danger to its continued existence and somehow fought back? Now I could have that come in the form of natural disasters, but I think they denote more the result of human's actions rather than Nature's. I am thinking of somehow having Earth (or Gaea, whichever you prefer) creating some kind of organism/creature whose sole purpose for existence would be to eliminate man. I guess this would be portraying Nature in an evil light, but in actuality it would simply be responding to all the damage that Man has done. Like any living thing whose life is threatened, Nature would simply be defending itself. There would be mass killings of humans by these creatures, which would appear out of volcanoes or the ocean or someplace hidden. No one would know what they were or where they came from, and they would be very hard to kill. Of course, someone would have to discover their origins after capturing one and killing it and reading its DNA or maybe even having a psychic read it's mind. And at some point there would have to be some kind of confrontation and contact with the spirit of Earth itself...again, a theme of man's ability to change and redeem himself.

I guess that's it for today. Two days in a row...whoo hoo!!! :)


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