Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Purpose of Blogging

Whenever I mention to someone that I have a weblog, the first thing they usually say is that they have thought about doing it, but they don't know why anyone would want to hear about their life every day or what they would say. My response is that I don't post every day (obviously) and that I don't even talk about my life on a regular basis. I just like to use my blog as a kind of repository of writing and thoughts, a physical (sort of) notebook in which I can jot down ideas and ramblings.

I wish I felt that I had something profound or relevant to add each day. I find that I don't. If I was doing a blog that involved news or something that definitely had update material each day, I probably would be more punctual but I'm just plodding along here trying to make an occasional insight or observation. I have actually toyed with the idea of doing another blog; keeping this one's purpose as is, but doing something more centered and focused, like on one of my hobbies i.e. movies, comics, etc. It's possible but I can hardly do a movie review each day because I don't watch a new one every day, and certainly don't read a new comic each day. I couldn't afford that, unfortunately.

As far as my life goes, I suppose I could use the blog more as a diary, but as my friends have stated, there really isn't enough juiciness (or news) in my life to warrant or justify daily posting.

So for now I'll probably stick with things the way they are. I'm hoping that there isn't one general raison d etre for blogging, but that each blogger brings to the experience his own needs and expectations. I would like to post more often, but I have never believed much in writing just for the sake of writing, just as I've never believed in talking just for the sake of talking. If I have something to say, I'll try to say it. If not, I'll keep quiet and and try to come up with something later.

Hopefully it won't be too much later.


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