Monday, October 03, 2011


Ennui rides with me like a conjoined twin. I cannot seem to summon the will or the energy during the evening to bring to life the flights of fantasy that soar into my mind during the day. It's as if a pall falls over me once I begin to trudge through the daily requirements of life that drowns out all imagination, that prioritizes things I do not want to care about, but have to..

There is only so much room in a person's mind, and when it is disproportionately full of the mundane and workaday, there is little room left for those thoughts that nourish the mind and soul. It's a dilemma shared by artists and would be artists since the beginning of time, I'd imagine. How much of your life do you devote to the physical needs and how much do you devote to your spiritual, creative needs? There has to be a balance, as with all things, but the world we live in makes it so tempting to tilt that balance toward the safe and familiar.

However, there is danger in that approach. By choosing immediate survival over long term happiness (i.e. surety over the unknown) we risk feeding the body but starving the soul, which, if done over a period of time, can impact the body as WELL as the soul in a very negative way.

There's a difference, I guess, between "I'm hungry", and "I hunger." Both have to be fed if the whole is to survive.


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